Monday, May 12, 2008


Starting week #3 @ OPSGEAR. My call sign is Sheila...I am not sure where it came from, it just happened that is what the CEO started calling me. In Latin it means blind-good nickname for a designer don't you think :) In Australia it is slang for woman-which is the inference the CEO pulling from.

I am still up and down about the job. Don't get me wrong, I love it. I am so happy there, but I just keep waiting for the other shoe to drop you know. I can't help but feel like they are going to come to me any day now and say, "this just isn't working out, were going to have to let you go." I am still not use to the 8-5/M-F thing. You would think that would be easy to get use to, but I am still struggling.

Things that have been going on, today was an all banner day (my AD was out sick and I didn't have a project) just because I didn't know what else to do. The coin has been sent off to Korea-I guess to be spec'd out or just fabricated I don't know. I learned about the camera and the lighting system, and I guess that is about it.

*Sigh* I want to feel confident. I want to be pro. But I guess I should understand I am the newbie and the subordinate. I will be a glorified production artist for awhile and there is nothing wrong with that if they are happy with what I am doing. Oh Shit, I was going to look up color matching in PS2.

Gotta jet...

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