Tuesday, November 22, 2011

I think I just broke the code.

People have been telling me for quite some time now that I need to read the Hunger Games Trilogy. I would say the better part of a year anyway. Every time I am asked I always say, "It's on my list." or "I plan to." And when I said it I genuinely meant it. But I really had no intention of even considering starting the trilogy until after the new year. My plan was to have them done before the movie came out.

Last week though I had five, yes five, people ask me about the series. Two of them even offered to lend me the books when I said I hadn't read them yet. I took this as a sign. I needed to read this series, whether there is something I am suppose to glean from it, or the fates realized I needed a little imagination and inspiration I do not know, but I devoured the first book in two days. And it has taken everything in my power to not stay up extra late this week and power through the other two books. I was going to put it off until the weekend, but I just can't help myself. I am about a third the way through Catching Fire. I haven't been this excited about a book series since I started reading Lord of the Rings.

I find my mind running wild with what the possibilities will hold for these characters and this place. I have to keep reminding myself that the audience for these books are young adults. So I find myself  worrying that I am over thinking it, and I worry that I will disappointed if it doesn't pan out the way I am thinking. I can't believe how excited I am to find out though.

This brings me to my over arcing point. I don't know why it has taken me this long to figure out, but I think this series has helped me figure out the code for a successful story. You need two guys that are both beloved, one girl that can be tolerated and a situation that threatens the standard way of life (to some degree). It sounds so simple when I lay it out here, but it has evaded me to this point. So I think I might take this new found info and maybe pick the novel up again. I still have time to get is started before the end of year, which I think means I can put a check in the plus column for my yearly goals.

1 comment:

Kaki @ GlitterObsession said...

I think you did crack the code! It definitely rings true for many books.