Wednesday, April 04, 2012

For argument sake, let's say this man didn't own a Delorian and is from the 21st century.

I am not a Glee fan and the above clip is not from Glee, but I am pretty excited for Mr. Bomer to do his guest appearance because not only is he beautiful, he has a voice that makes you want to fall in love.

I haven't done much blogging lately. It seems like the times I need it the most are the times I am least compelled to sit down and do it. In the back of my head I know it would help clean out the garbage and  I should just pound a few rants out to get the juices flowing...but I am still stumbling along.

Anyway, can you believe this year is already one quarter over. That sickens and frightens me. But on to the goals tally.

1. Drink more water
So - happens. More than it did last year but not as much as it should.

2. Keep Leaky Light alive is still "up" but nothing new has been added to it this year...yet.

3. Increase my take home income by $6000 this year
Ha ha...I had no idea what kind of joke this was going to be...

4. Be the lady that would accompany that gentlemen to that party
Maybe after Vegas.

5. Read 12 books in a year
No forward momentum since last month.

6. Watch 36 movies in a year
I am up to 13. This is probably the strongest goal I have right now... If you want to know what I have seen so far and what I thought of them check out

7. See 100 movies in 100 days
Still working out the logistics on this one, but it is still happening. I was leaning more toward Summer but I am thinking now more like Winter.

8. Complete a printed family recipe book
This one is pulling a strong 2nd to #6 for achievement. The basic layout is mocked up. I have a good start on which recipes to put in. Next step is typing...lots of typing. I am aiming for Mother's day, but we will see.

9. Start a novel

10. Start an etsy store

11. Renew my passport
Research only.

12. "Whatever You Think, Think The Opposite"
What was I thinking...

13. Learn to meditate
Nope, not yet.

Transmission end ###


Kaki @ GlitterObsession said...

At least you made some resolutions. I didn't even do that this year ... And I can't believe you don't like Glee. I even got Wayne hooked on it. But you're making progress, which is awesome!

Amber said...

I had no idea you read my blog :)