Saturday, September 01, 2012

You're stoned is depressing. You should never share your feelings....ever.

Ahhh...another remake, I will shamefully admit that I have never seen the first Red Dawn, but this new one has me a little intrigued. It has Jeffery Dean Morgan in it, so I will watch it no matter what, but I think it might have potential regardless (even if the guys at work disagree)

But now for goals...I am feeling a little more optimistic this month

1. Drink more water
Since I got my shaved ice machine, yes my water consumption has gone back up.

2. Keep Leaky Light alive
No pictures this month.

3. Increase my take home income by $6000 this year
I have made tentative progress on this...but that is all I am allowed to say.

4. Be the lady that would accompany that gentlemen to that party

5. Read 12 books in a year
So I started the year with 2 under my belt almost immediately. Then nothing, until last month. I devoured 4 books (due to the headphone policy being lifted). I read "The Discovery of Witches", "Six Days of the Condor", "The Son of Neptune", and "Persuasion". That puts me at 6, which is technically behind schedule I still feel good about it.

6. Watch 36 movies in a year
I am up to 32. That means I only need to see 4 more movies this year to make this goal. I have every intention of seeing plenty more than that. So this is good too. Like always you can check out what have seen so far at

7. See 100 movies in 100 days
It's official. This goal is being laid to rest in the cemetery of broken dreams. I just can't see myself getting it done right now, and I want it to be fun, I don't want to push it. So I think I am going to take the ambition of this goal and apply to the above mentioned goal. Maybe I will change the above number from 36 to 50 or something...we'll see.

8. Complete a printed family recipe book
No movement on this one yet. I need to get my butt in gear though if I want it done for Christmas.

9. Start a novel
Uhhh...not quite yet

10. Start an etsy store
I have signed up for a new etsy account and have looked at the store module. The store will eventually be called "Ambelen's Craft Closet. Look for it before the end of the year.

11. Renew my passport

12. "Whatever You Think, Think The Opposite"
What was I thinking

13. Learn to meditate
Not yet


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