Thursday, October 04, 2012

Why do you always listen to me when I don't want you to?

I think I have mentioned this before, but as of late I have been spending a lot of time on YouTube. More than I should be. But I have found some great stuff to watch (and I will admit some not so great stuff too). One of my favorite channels right now is the Vlog Brothers. Everyday I find something new and interesting (and many times funny). I can't decide which one to show you, so I think you are going to get three. One up front and couple down below.

But on to what this post is really about, my goals.

1. Drink more water
Yes, yes I have been drinking more water.

2. Keep Leaky Light alive
Sadly I've got nothing going on here. I am afraid this is turning into one of the many dorment blogs I have.

3. Increase my take home income by $6000 this year
If you take everything into consideration, I am up about $3500 for the year, but I don't see it growing much more than that.

4. Be the lady that would accompany that gentlemen to that party
Well, I knew I wasn't going to get them all done.

5. Read 12 books in a year
Well, I didn't log any "books" this last month. I switched over the audio dramas. I really like the Byron Chronicles even though the production quality isn't as good as Leviathan. My birthday though has helped me out greatly in regard. October is definitely going to be a book month.

6. Watch 36 movies in a year
36! Yes that is 36 movies, I did it! I am going to be able to cross at least one of my list. My last movie (toward the goal) was Looper, which wasn't that good. That means everything else I see this year is gravy...and there is still plenty to see. Like always you can check out what have seen so far at

7. See 100 movies in 100 days
It's official. This goal is being laid to rest in the cemetery of broken dreams. I just can't see myself getting it done right now, and I want it to be fun, I don't want to push it. So I think I am going to take the ambition of this goal and apply to the above mentioned goal. Maybe I will change the above number from 36 to 50 or something...we'll see.

8. Complete a printed family recipe book
Oh my God, if I want this done for Christmas I need to get a move on.

9. Start a novel
Actually, I started something that could have the potential to be novel some day. So at least I've started.

10. Start an etsy store
No movement since last month

11. Renew my passport

12. "Whatever You Think, Think The Opposite"
What was I thinking

13. Learn to meditate
Not yet


1 comment:

steph k said...

I have this audiobook I think you should check out. I love it. It's called the New Psycho-Cybernetics by Maxwell Mertz... it's edited by some guy whose name I can't remember. It helped me a lot with meditation stuff... well, at least focusing on my goals. He does talk about God, but it's not a religious book other than that. It's also an OOOOLLLLLD book. And I like the audio version. :)

just my 2ยข