Friday, May 01, 2009

5 Things in 30 Days

New day, new month, new goal, new adventure.
So there have been a few things happen the last few days that have caused my to pause and take perspective. And with that in mind I am trying something new. I am going to pick five things, five teeny tiny bites, 5 ity bity baby steps, and spend the next 30 days trying to accomplish them. As Ryan says, how do you eat an bite at a time. So here they are(and they are being added to the motivation blog as well):

1. Learn the ASL alphabet. I mean memorize the alphabet in sign language. I feel that is a good first step to possibly acquiring the full breadth of that language.
2. Start a small home business. Between organizing, planning, licencing and building a website I think 30 days is a good timeline to go from concept (well I have actually been thinking about it awhile, but now I am actively doing something about it) to launch.
3. Drop a pant size. Short, simple, and to the point. I do not care how much weight I lose as long as I can comfortably get back into all the clothes I was wearing when I worked at the shoe store. This is the first step in dropping a lot of sizes.
4. Finish two (2) analog books. When I say analog I mean paper. I listen to books all the time, but never sit down and actually read. I have a few books I have started and never finished, so I will pick two of those and finally finish them.
5. Get a book prepared to print with Lulu. I am not going to tell what book yet, and no, it is not something I have written but it something that someone I love has written. I think it would mean the world to them to have it "published" and I really want to illustrate it. So perhaps this one is too big for 30 days. So lets narrow it. I want to have the copy prepped, the design laid out, and an outline for the illustrations.

Wish me luck for the month of May :)

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