Sunday, March 10, 2013

...with episode 100...

I am what you would call a "middle-of-the-road" Jane Austen fan. I LOVE Pride and Prejudice, Persuasion was pretty good, couldn't ever really enjoy Sense and Sensibility. So when Felicia Day was kind enough to introduce me The Lizzie Bennett Diaries I was super excited.

This production team has done an amazing job modernizing and conveying the story of Pride and Prejudice. The casting/acting is stellar. The production value is top notch.

From very early on in the series I wondered if they were just going to follow the book and end it when Pride and Prejudice ends,or if they were going to try to continue on the story past the traditional ending. Well, I found my answer online this week. The series will be ending this month, with episode 100.

I will be sad to see it end, but it has been a very good telling of the story. I would recommend it to anyone who like Austen.

Below is the link to the playlist. I think it should update as new episodes get added.

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