Sunday, June 02, 2013

We solve crimes. I blog about it, and he forgets his pants. I wouldn't hold out too much hope.

The above video from Sci Show couldn't have come at a better time. I was planning to tell you about my drinking endeavors this weekend and look, Hank has decided to tell us about hangovers. Friday, I got home from work and decided to have a beer. There is nothing wrong with that. As soon as I finished my first one, I had a second. Still not horrible, but that's more than I usually drink in a weekend, let alone a night. The night trudged on I went to bed at a about 1 am. I woke up, later than I should really admit, but at noon with a monster headache. And I thought to myself, "Where the hell did this come from?" I took a deep breath to make sure I wasn't stuffed up, I doubled checked the time to sure I had really gotten as much sleep as I thought. Then it hit me, between 6 pm yesterday evening and 12 pm the next afternoon the only thing I had to drink were two beers...dehydration headache, aka hangover, oh goodie. So what did I do yesterday afternoon, polished off 3/4 of a bottle of wine all by myself. I don't know where all this alcohol drinking is coming from, but so far today I am alcohol free. We'll have to see how it goes.

1. 18 Books in a Year:
I have 3 more books under my belt. May can count Small Favor - Dresden Files Book 10 by Jim Butcher, Inferno by Dan Brown, and Divergent by Veronica Roth in its ranks. That brings the total count up to 16. Two more books and my goal is meant. I have 5 more Dresden books before I am caught up with the series. I am going to blow this one out of the water. The the new policy at work was rescinded, so I can again listen to books at work. As always the reviews for the books I read this month are online at Divergent isn't up yet, but I am hoping that by the end of the day it will be there. 

2. 40 Movies in a Year:
Oh boy, the math here is going to be scary. May gave me 2 movies (but one of them I did see twice), Star Trek Into Darkness (the one I saw twice) and Iron Man 3. That takes my count to 9. Star Trek rocked! Best movie of the year, I am calling it :) The reviews can be found online at Now for the math. Today is the last day of week 22 and there are 52 weeks in a year. That leaves me 30 weeks to see 31 movies. Now realistically I doubt I am seeing a movie today which means I have 29 weeks to see 31 movies. Were going to have to see how this goes, because that is a super tall order.  

3. Revive

4. Get Healthy:
:( One step forward two steps back

5. Keep a Paper Journal:
This one is going okay, not every week, but it is happening. Slow and sure.

6. Write a Novel and/or NaNoWriMo:
Brain crack - To understand what I mean click here (NSFW - and you can stop watching @ 1:13 if vulgar language bothers you).

7. Save $2500 for a BIG 2014 Vacation:
Have I mentioned how much I hate money? I am back on track for this one, but a 2014 vacation is looking less and less likely.

8. ????? The Mystery Goal:

9. Family Cook Book:
I feel that getting my mom the right tools for this is a step on this one...small as it may be :)

10. Design Habits:

11. Self Improvement:
Oh bite me!

12. Get to Work On Time:
I did surprising well on this one in May. There were only two days that I got to work at 8:30. All the other were before 8:30 and I am calling that getting to work on time.
Dan makes a really good point in this video so I am including it my goal post as well:


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