Thursday, January 30, 2014

What life? I've been away...

I feel a little bad complaining about 2013. There are a lot of people who would have loved to have my year, and yet I was happy to see it end, because honestly, 2013 was a shitty year. About mid-summer things just started to fall apart and I was miserable. By December I was just holding my breath and waiting for that magical January 1st 2014 to roll around.

The sad part is I am not lying. I really thought if I could just make it through December things would get better. But as you can see by the fact that my 2013 recap is coming to you practically a whole month late, that is not been the case. The suck just rolled right on over with the turning of the calendar.

I am not even going to bother recapping my goals from last year. I accomplished 2 out 12. That is a whopping 17% completion for the things I wanted to get done in 2013. For crying out loud, my attempt rate was only 42%. I didn't even attempt to complete half the things I wanted to get done in 2013.

I am giving serious consideration to not even laying out goals this year. I don't think I can handle gracefully another year of failure (not that I have handled last year's failures all that gracefully). This year, 2014, is already 8% (or 1/12) over. And what do I have to show for it? Twenty-nine pictures, twenty-six email campaigns, one movie seen, one new camera bought, and three new episodes of Sherlock (probably the only thing keeping me from crawling under a rock).

If I don't have my goals up by February 1st I am not doing it this year :P

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