Sunday, January 04, 2015

Life is far too important to talk about seriously.

So last year I threw the list out the window in May 'cause I thought I had just upended my life. Turns out things weren't so bad. I should have picked them back up but I didn't. Anyway, like last year, I am trying again. If you saw my last year's list you will notice that a lot of those items are on here. Plus, I have brought back some others from past years. And threw in a couple of new ones. Nothing Earth shattering on this list, but I am being pretty God damn ambitious :D

01. 24 Movies: seen in theaters.

02. 12 Books: in whatever medium I choose.

03. 365 Selfies: I hate having my picture taken, and it shows, there are so few pics of me. I don't plan on sharing them all, but at the end of the year I want to have 365 images of me that I can mash into one of those year end vids.

04. 240 Photographs: I tried for 365 last year and fell miserably shot. So I am decreasing the number and trying again.

05. Social Media Guru: Wouldn't be a great job to get paid to play on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, Tumblr, etc., etc.? I want to be a Social Media guru, not cause I want a million followers, but because I want to help someone else get a million followers.

06. Online Dating: Why the hell not? My "stop looking and it will find you" approach hasn't lets give it a go.

07. Lose Weight: 'Cause I might break things if I have to buy up another size.

08. YouTube Channel: Again, I don't want followers necessarily, I just want to create some cool videos

09. My College Design Dream: I am not going to lay out my 12 point plan here, but I have had this dream since college and it has to do with producing a graphic design product.

10. Quotes on Do I Need A Reason: Maybe not 1000, but lets try to triple the number of quotes on here + lets double check attribution on everything.

11. Publish Recipe Book: Every time I get into my mom's recipe drawer I cringe. This will be the year I can feel it.

12. Start a Retirement Fund: I am too old to have not started thinking about retirement. Extra funds should go here this year.

13. Renew Passport: Um yeah...I want to go to Canada this year.

14. Apply for Out-of-State jobs: 'Cause I need to grow

15. Apply for Out-of-Country jobs: It might be fun to be a foreigner.

16. Start an eCommerce website: I just have to decide what it is I want to sell online.

17. Get into Tumblr: Maybe I am trying to be young again, but Tumblr is where my social media is lacking the most I think.

18. Train Titan: We've got the basics down, and a couple of fun ones, but I think we could teach him so much more.

19. Write (and Self Publish) a Story: Magic, Mystery, Murder, and Saving the will be good

20. Learn a Bit of Code: I could get so many more jobs if I knew a bit more about code.


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