Monday, March 03, 2008

I can hold my liquor

So tonight ( last night ), god I am having trouble typing-the liquor must have finally hit me, we went to the night club when it was actually up and running as a night club. I didn’t really want to go because I am not a club girl. I don’t dance and the music is too loud. I would rather go somewhere where I can sit and have a conversation when I am drinking. Just a relaxing sit-down. Anyway the first two hours at the Skywalker was 70s night. A little later was just requests at the “wild bunch” party. I was just kicking back the drinks watching everyone else dance, trying to smile. It wasn’t that I was unhappy, I was having an okay time, all in all, I just kept drinking expecting it to kick in and I thought if alcohol could get rid of some of my inhibitions I might consider dancing. I kept waiting. 6 or 7 drinks later we were into the wild bunch party and I still wasn’t feeling anything. It was almost disappointing. Just about the time I found an officer/crew staff member to stare at was when my crew decided it was time for bed. They were all pretty toasted, and decided they couldn’t take anymore. It figures. As we were walking back to the room I was told I hold my liquor pretty well. They all had one more smoke (god I use to like the smell of cigarettes) and I hit the Explorers bar for more drink. I made it a double, and now that I am in room and in bed I am finally kind of feeling it. I don’t think my faculties are gone but my head is swimming.

I wish I would have at least figured out the crew member’s name or position. I think he was an officer but I am not sure. I guess I am going to have to look for him tomorrow. I can’t keep my eyes open any longer. I gotta grab my phone and go to bed.

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