Sunday, December 02, 2012

It’s easier, actually, to have a better idea than that. Because that idea is awful.

November was a crazy month. Two baby showers, I had to get my Festival donation made, and just the regular day to day made this a hard month to get through. But it's done now and time to work on December and Christmas. This month's video is from My Drunk Kitchen, but it does feature Hank Green. Enjoy!

Lets get to the goals.

1. Drink more water
Snow Cones!

2. Keep Leaky Light alive
Not this last month...lets see what I can do for Oct.

3. Increase my take home income by $6000 this year
With all the spending I did last month this increase would be nice, but I think my income growth is done for the year. I got close. I think $4000 is about where I ended.

4. Be the lady that would accompany that gentlemen to that party

5. Read 12 books in a year
I have a 11 done. I've added "Snow Crash" and "Perks of Being a Wallflower" to my list. I am hoping to get the first book of the Dresden Files ("Storm Front") done before the end of the year and that would mean this goal was complete. If I have time I would like to get a John Green book under my belt before the end of the year too.

6. Watch 36 movies in a year
36+5! 3 more in November. Cloud Atlas, Breaking Dawn Part II, and Skyfall. It's been a couple of weeks though since I'ev seen one. I guess I need to work on that. As always you can check out what have seen so far at

7. See 100 movies in 100 days
It's official. This goal is being laid to rest in the cemetery of broken dreams. I just can't see myself getting it done right now, and I want it to be fun, I don't want to push it. So I think I am going to take the ambition of this goal and apply to the above mentioned goal. Maybe I will change the above number from 36 to 50 or something...we'll see.

8. Complete a printed family recipe book
Oh my God. I wanted this done so badly, but I just don't see it happening. December is going to be as crazy and November was, so I don't know when I am going to have time...

9. Start a novel
NaNoWriMo would have been a great time to work on this, but I didn't. Technically, I could cross it off because I just wanted to start it and I have done that. But I would like to make a little more progress if I can.

10. Start an etsy store

11. Renew my passport

12. "Whatever You Think, Think The Opposite"

13. Learn to meditate


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