Tuesday, January 01, 2013

I grew up and got old so I wouldn't have to deal with this shit.

Okay, so December has come and gone. This will be my last post about 2012 goals. I wanted to have to 2013 goals all ready to go, but in true Amber fashion, I am not that prepared. I have a lot of fun (hopefully) projects planned for 2013 and I have a couple of things that REALLY need be worked on even though they will end up genuinely being work. That being said I have found a new book series to love, The Dresden Files by Jim Butcher. The video I am sharing is from the credits of the long since cancelled TV show, but it was all  could find on short notice.

Now lets check out the final tally for the year. This should be depressing.

1. Drink more water
Snow Cones & Ice. I have chewing ice a lot lately. I think I should worry about my iron levels. So for the year I am calling this one a win.

2. Keep Leaky Light alive
Sadly no, not this month. As far as the year goes I am afraid I made a dismal attempt and it did not work. I am not killing this blog, but I am going to let it rest for awhile I think. Focus my attention elsewhere.

3. Increase my take home income by $6000 this year
Nothing thins month, but I am calling 2/3 the way to my goal as a win all the same, especially in this economy.

4. Be the lady that would accompany that gentlemen to that party
I have nothing to say here. I don't even know what I was thinking. This was a complete loss.

5. Read 12 books in a year
I did it, 17 books this year. I added 4 Dresden Books and 2 John Green books before the end of the year. I am about 2/3 the way through Ex-Heroes which I am going to give to 2013 when I finish it. I can't believe I can 6 books under my belt in December.

6. Watch 36 movies in a year
36+8! 3 more in December. Jack Reacher, Les Miserables, and The Hobbit ended the year. 44 movies, not bad. As always you can check out what have seen so far at http://spoiling-it.blogspot.com.

7. See 100 movies in 100 days
It's official. This goal is being laid to rest in the cemetery of broken dreams. I just can't see myself getting it done right now, and I want it to be fun, I don't want to push it. So I think I am going to take the ambition of this goal and apply to the above mentioned goal. Maybe I will change the above number from 36 to 50 or something...we'll see.

8. Complete a printed family recipe book
Fail, fail, fail!!!!

9. Start a novel
Yeah I started it, in October...and I have done nothing since. But I am calling it a win because I am said was start it.

10. Start an etsy store

11. Renew my passport

12. "Whatever You Think, Think The Opposite"

13. Learn to meditate

OMG. Does that tell you how much of a failure and bad year 2012 was? I think you are going to see a number of repeats in 2013. But there you go.


1 comment:

steph k said...

but look at what you DID accomplish!!!! Good work on those!

Meditating... I was reading an article on how to start that. I need to remember where it was and I'll pass it along!

p.s. I like your redesign. :)