Monday, January 14, 2013

Stuck in Story Mode

It stands to reason, if you know me at all, that a new year would bring about at least one new blog. Last year I started "Let Me Spoil It For You". The sole reason for this blog was to help me track my movie goal for last year. This blog really didn't get much traffic, but that was okay with me because that wasn't really the reason for the blog. I actually had a pretty good time posting on spoiling-it, and I like having a log of the movies for the year.

So this year my movie blog is expanding to a story blog and it is getting a new name. The new name is "Stuck In Story Mode" and the expansion taking place is a simple one. I am going to try to talk about all the stories I indulge in. This will include books, TV, movies, audio dramas, movie trailers, and any other stories that I find to enjoy.

I think I am changing the format in how I talk about movies (and by extension other stories), but all my movies from last year are included in this new blog.

So I would like to introduce you to "Stuck In Story Mode" ( It is looking a little bland right now, but it's a good place to start.

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